Finding Purpose or Meaning

As we grow and develop, our purpose may change. Life presents us with strong urges to adopt new purposes at each stage. If we get married, we might focus on our relationship. If we raise a family, the children might take centre stage. Or our purpose may come from our career or a new job.

We can help you find your purpose or meaning so you can add to your moral and value-system and enrich yourself in the way you deserve.

Get in touch with us and we can explore what we might offer.

The following extract from The Crisis Book, offers some quick coaching tips, reproduced with permission and thanks;

Developing purpose is about finding a meaning, principle, reason, belief, enjoyment and/or motivation. When many things come together to generate passion, this passion then enables us to further grow and develop physically, emotionally, spiritually and/or psychologically.

Learn. With learning comes wisdom. And wisdom gives you more choices. To learn, you need to apply yourself, focus and spend the time and effort required. Nothing comes in life from nothing.

Take responsibility. Only you are ultimately responsible for you. But you have to account for your actions. Taking responsibility means taking ownership of life by learning from your mistakes and making positive changes.

Be inquisitive. Learn about purpose by asking questions. No one knows all the answers, but there’s always someone who has an answer. By asking, you learn and understand.

Inspiration. Who inspires and motives you and why? What is it about them that has this effect on you? Might you be an inspiration and motivation for others?

Needs and wants. Understand the differences. Needs are often basic and necessary for survival and normal functioning. Wants are the optional extras. What constitutes a need or want in your life?

Listen to yourself. Often you get so lost in the stimulation around you that you don’t hear your inner voice, what your body, mind and soul are telling you.

Listen to others. Active listening is a learned skill, whereby you don’t just listen to words spoken, but to the wider area of body language and nonverbal cues.

Engage. Humans are social creatures and so you need to communicate, engage and interact with others. This can be at work and at play where you seek an equal role and voice.

Contentment. Being content conveys a settled acceptance of happiness, where you’re not driven to hedonistic ecstasy but one that embraces joy, peace, calmness, relaxation, spirituality and tranquillity.

Understand belief. What do you believe in, why is it important and what purpose does it serve? Is it religion and spirituality, sports and recreation, or even work, achievement or making a difference? Don’t shun these aspects of yourself, as they may contain a hidden answer to your life’s question.

Legacy. Imagine you’re on your deathbed at the age of 100. What would you say to yourself? What regrets might the 100 year old have? The challenge is to come back to today and ensure that these regrets do not happen!