Like any stage in our life-cycle, retirement has the potential to unleash an amazing era of self-discovery, self-enlightenment and self-worth, pulling together all our many varied life experiences.
We can help you prepare for, start the journey or re-calibrate your ambitions as and when retirement beckons.
Get in touch and we can explore how we can help you.
The following comes from The Crisis Book, reproduced with permission and thanks;
After a lifetime of structured employment, it can feel daunting to face the prospect of a time without this routine and a defined work identity. But like many life events, it’s a major stage in life we’ll all face and one that can present huge opportunities for personal enlightenment, intellectual cultivation ... and fun!
Financial planning. The most important issue to prepare for is financial stability. If you haven’t already, seek independent financial advice on how you can invest or prepare financially. Work out your likely costs and expenditures and assess how best to meet these needs.
Timing. Based on your financial assets, savings and investments, work out when it might be feasible and practical to retire, factoring in your lifestyle demands and aspirations. Working, say, two years longer might make a big difference in your pension income.
Part time. Many people decide to keep some employment going with part-time work or self-employment. You’ll have built up a lifetime of experience; how can you utilize this?
Transition. Preparing for any transition helps, but ultimately it’s like moving from one job to another (something you’ve probably done before), heralding a mix of excitement and anxiety.
Partner. Can a partner or loved one help you prepare for or enjoy retirement? It will certainly impact them and they may need to adapt as well!
Purpose and fulfilment. What can you do that brings meaning and value to your life now? As you age, you may find you have more interest in spiritual aspirations. Talking about these and exploring your beliefs can help you develop a greater purpose.
Health. Are there any health needs you need to prepare for, including what health care facilities are located nearby?
Family. Do you have an opportunity to help or support your extended family (or maybe you want a break from them!)?
Activities. Lots of clubs, societies and special interest groups exist for retired people precisely because there’s demand for them. They’re great for enhancing your social life, can promote well-being and often provide exercise and health benefits.
Volunteer. There are many ways to give something back and offer your services. It’s a great way to make new friends and have fun, too. Helping others will give you a feel-good factor.
Active mind. Maintain some intellectual stimulation. Could you enrol in a short course at college, learn a language or skill, teach others, learn a musical instrument or how to sing, or offer some coaching?
Exercise. You may have more aches and pains than before, but it shouldn’t stop you from exercising. Check with your medical doctor about what would be appropriate for you.
Contentment. Guard against feelings of isolation, loneliness and depression. Actively manage how you feel by staying positive through how you think or act.
Communicate. Talk to people – you’ll be surprised how interested people are in your rich life experiences and the things you have done in life.
Enjoy. You’re embarking on a life stage where you may have choices to do things that you never had before. Lucky you! Have a party!